Porn Addicts, Pornstars, and Motivation In The Gym

jayden james

I rarely watch TV, and even more rare is it something besides ESPN. Before my workout though I happened to catch MTV’s True Life. Now I’m not one of the metro queers to binge on this, and sob with each individual. I honestly don’t believe in the word addiction anymore. See the word addiction is a media word to describe someone who has failed to break a new habit. This in turns is addiction. I don’t believe in the word because it’s thrown around to each individual. “He did crack once he’s addicted. ” He’s been blowing guys for 25 years for crack, he…. Addicted. You catch my point?

Anyways, back to the porn stars and the big tits of True Life. So this episode so happened to be called “I’m addicted to Porn.” It’s a re-run because I’ve heard some other people talk about it before. You have three individuals on here. You have one guy who looks like he would shit himself if he even had a traffic ticket. He’s been addicted to porn, and his wife threw him out. You have one of the most bangable girls, with an African country’s net worth of work done to her. She’s a pornstar known as Jayden James Then you have the biggest loser I’ve seen in my entire life. This guy blows every other loser out of the water. His dad seems like one of those old AC/DC rockers, and his sister’s look like Hollister junkies. Yet, he somehow thinks he is a blood, wears red glasses, drives a caddy with spoke wheels, and he’s addicted to porn. Not only does he think he lives in the hood, but the guy can’t even match right. Not that I’m GQ smooth, but I don’t go around looking like a big fucking banana wearing all yellow.
goody good

So these people are addicted to porn. You have Jayden crying because her parents don’t appreciate her for fucking 200 guys a year. She simply can’t understand this. You see her pissed off because she didn’t win an award for greatest head giver in a scene. Most parents would be proud of that right? She has a right to hate her parents for not supporting her, am I right? If she wasn’t so hot, I’d punch her in her fucken face.

jayden big booby jaymes

Then we have the church going, goody good… Who’s wife kicked him out of the house. This guy is so addicted that he would rather jerk off than live with his wife, and kids. Yet somehow he is able to attend church with no problem at all?

So what is this? Are these people so pathetic, and so unmotivated in life they can’t even take their hand off their dicks.. or other’s dick’s for Jayden’s case? Are we as a society so worthless in motivation that we can’t bring ourselves from taking one dumb ass act of porn, and turning the computer off, taking our hands out of our pants.. Then going, and doing something actually productive?

I understand why I don’t watch TV, because I’m sick of seeing these pathetic individuals. I’m not a perfect person, and don’t claim to be. However if I was addicted to porn, and it was ruining my life, and my family’s life… It would not take a second thought to take all of that shit, and throw it out of my mind.

Now, like I said I’ve never had a problem with porn as these three pathetic individuals. I’m not saying I’ve never glanced at Jayden’s protein tubs, but porn, and anything else won’t control my life regardless. Now just like the goody good who is suppose to love his wife, he loves porn more than her. I love my girl more than anything, and I would do anything for her. I could care less if she has just won a fitness modeling comp, or a hot dog eating contest.. I love her, and will be more attracted to her over any skank on the internet. Regardless if she is dressed up like my fantasy… In which I hike Dan Marino, the ball, and he pours Gatorade on my nuts, and then… and eh, I’ll save that for later.

My point is, in all of this bullshit rambling is that you have to stay motivated in not only your fitness, sports, etc. goals. You can’t let “addictions” such as porn, all the way down to “I’m just tired” get in your way. Motivation is a difficult task. It’s hard to keep pushing balls to the walls everyday. We laugh at these pathetic individuals, but sometimes are we any better than them? Are we more motivated everyday on our tasks in life? Our mind fucks with us everyday. It tells us we’re sick when we aren’t, and it kills our motivation to the point we are afraid to pursue our goals. It happens to all of us. It happens everyday, but you have to block these thoughts out. The “addicted” thoughts will plague your mind and render us from improvement. This is my point. We all have to continue with our success, even if we fall off the wagon from time to time. I don’t care if you’re 15 or 85, we are all subjected to this. You have to ask yourself though, what are you going to do? Are you going to call this an addiction, and leave it be. Or do you have the will to prosper, and push through to your motivational success.

One more thing. If any of you found this article searching for help to get rid of your porn addiction, I have included my easy 2 step process

Step #1- britney

Step #2- If step #1 didn’t turn you into a homo, then you simply can’t be helped.

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2 Responses to “Porn Addicts, Pornstars, and Motivation In The Gym”

  1. Good shit, bro. People need to look in the mirror and smack themselves in the face every now and then to help them get their shit together.

  2. The Backer Says:

    No doubt, brah. Thanks for the comment.

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